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Yoni Steaming Benefits For Feminine Wellness

Yoni steaming is an ancient herbal tradition used for self-care that promotes feminine wellbeing. Yoni steaming helps restore equilibrium, improves womb and vaginal health and promotes fertility - all necessary elements to cultivate optimal wellness in women.

Yoni steaming involves sitting naked over a bowl containing hot water infused with mugwort, chamomile and oregano for optimal results. You can do it at home or visit an experienced spa to take part.

Relieves Menstrual Symptoms

Yoni steaming can help women who experience menstrual symptoms like cramps, heavy bleeding, bloating, irregular periods, infertility, uterine fibroids & cysts, low libido and more. According to Keli Garza of Steamy Chick (a leading distributor of vaginal steam saunas in the US) who claims that three times per week steaming for four weeks has been known to reduce fibroids by five centimeters!

Yoni steaming can provide numerous health benefits for women; however, pregnant or suspect pregnant women should avoid it due to herbs used in this practice which may interfere with hormone levels and cause contractions. Furthermore, steaming should also not be performed while bleeding, there are open wounds present or when menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes are present.

For those able to safely use yoni steaming, there are various herbal blends that can help. Popular ones are calendula blossoms, lavender flowers, yarrow flowers & leaves, rosemary, basil (antimicrobial), mugwort, juniper berries & motherwort.

Reduces Pregnancy Symptoms

Women suffering from pelvic floor dysfunction (whether hypertense or underactive) may find yoni steaming immensely beneficial to improving their quality of life and enjoyment in sexual encounters. Yoni steaming allows more fluid movement, reduces pain from incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse and makes intimacy much simpler and enjoyable.

Steaming herbs may also help alleviate uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, PMS, PCOS and heavy periods. Steaming the yoni can balance the uterus by decreasing inflammation, speeding healing processes and providing detoxification benefits. Common fertility blends include rose petals, calendula blossoms, mugwort, rosemary plantain leaves and juniper berries to bless and cleanse the womb, heal vaginal tissues while increasing blood flow for greater hormonal balance in utero.

Women trying to conceive should avoid using the yoni steam during Days 1-6 of their menstrual cycle as this could clear out sperm or open up the cervix and result in an early miscarriage. For optimal results, women should consult with an expert yoni steaming practitioner in order to select an herbal blend and protocol tailored specifically to them. An alternative option might be herbal vaginal tincture or tea.

Detoxifies the Body

Vaginal steaming (yoni steam) has long been used as an effective means to promote women's reproductive and pelvic health. This holistic health practice involves subjecting the vulva, or tissue surrounding the uterus, to hot water infused with medicinal herbs for steaming purposes.

A gentle heat from herbal steam encourages the vulva to expand, exposing the inner labial mucus membranes to healing moisture from herbs. This allows medicinal oils from plants to be absorbed by both vulvovaginal tissues and uterine tissue cells and thus providing relief from irregular periods, pain and infertility for women's health issues.

Yoni steaming can help cleanse and detoxify the uterus/sacral chakra area, clearing away stagnant energy that accumulates there while reconnecting a woman to her feminine energy and her womb/sacral chakra.

Strengthens the Womb

Yoni steaming can help those hoping to conceive by stimulating the womb to release any built-up material and prepare it for conception. Yoni steaming may also relieve uterine fatigue, often at the root of cramped menstruation periods.

Steamed herbs such as lavender can help balance vaginal pH. Marigolds, sacred to Ixchel, the Goddess of Women and Midwives, as well as comfrey leaves and flowers (which contain antimicrobial compounds for healing purposes) may also be added as part of this treatment regimen.

If you are trying to conceive, we advise steaming twice weekly before ovulation and once daily during pre-ovulation phase to help moisturize the uterus and increase fertility chances. Yoni steaming may also help postpartum mothers ease recovery through its healing properties; we offer personalized herb recipes tailored specifically for you based on your unique needs.

Decreases Inflammation

Yoni steaming (v-steaming or vaginal steaming), is a self-care ritual where women sit or squat over a pot filled with hot water that has been steeped with reproductive herbs to detoxify, balance, heal, and tone their vagina and womb area.

Additionally, this practice can assist with various gynecological problems like period cramps, bloating, missed periods, fibroids and cysts. Midwife Tema Mercado claims that one of her clients experienced her fibroid decrease from five centimeters to two and a half after attending three yoni steam sessions.

Yoni steaming involves sitting or squatting over a pot of herb-infused water for 20-30 minutes, taking care to not exceed an ideal temperature or you risk burning your lady parts. Genital piercings should be removed prior to undertaking this ritual and it should be performed three times weekly for maximum effects; doing this regularly promotes wound healing, tones the uterus and vagina, soothes menstrual symptoms as well as postpartum symptoms.

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Christy Feliciano
Christy Feliciano
Dec 11, 2023

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Daniel Puble
Daniel Puble
Dec 11, 2023

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